Never thought I might still have those gig posters; great line ups.
"Et quoniam mentem sanari corpus ut aegrum et pariter mentem sanari corpus inani denique cor, hominem cum vini vis penetravit acris et in venas discessit diditus ardor, consequitur gravitas membrorum, praepediuntur crura vacillanti, tardescit lingua, madet mens, nant oculi, clamor singultus iurgia gliscunt, et iam cetera de genere hoc quae cumque secuntur, cur ea sunt, nisi quod vehemens violentia vini conturbare animam consuevit corpore in ipso?"
Another Rorschach shirt with the cover of the „needlepack“ 7“ printed in front and the famous mirroring on the back, but slightly different compared to the first Rorschach shirt post.
Thanks Xian, because this is the first one that really fits my deluxe-body.
Besides Born Against Rorschach were really the ones who dealt with dignity the heritage of Black Flag and brought it forward to a new level in a new decade.
To those who missed the vinyl releases: the “autopsy” disc on Gern Blandsten is worth every penny. By the way: I am still looking for the cover/ inlet of their demo tape!?