The last Seein’ Red shirt I kept from a huge assortment I once owned; some twice due to different colours etc. Honestly I bought them because the band members were really kind – the perfect salespersons: kind and customer-oriented. Okay, they have to work on the last part: they were selling shirts in front of the venues out of plastic bags; you could even go through those bags on your own.
This shirt was done around 1996 I think. When I pull it out I am constantly repeating this “wahwahwah I am seeing red”, that was a chorus from a song by them… and one that mostly got stuck in my head at least musically…. I doat… from the split 10” with Catweazle? Damn sure it was a record with another attempt to cover Minutemen. I’ ll take a look later…
The last record I got was a split 7” with Vuur which is quite nice and I recently saw that they are still around and even released new stuff - you have to be old if you don’ t want to be wise. Besides their great early stuff (we keep silent concerning the "intifada" compilation) I really loved the split lps with Mk Ultra and The Judas Iscariot, yes, also for the Seein’ Red side of those records.
I will trade this for one of the black Lärm bootlegs which were also sold by Havoc in the 90ies (yeah, at least I tried).
It was "c-red" on the split 10" with Catweazle on Wicked Witch/ Kangaroo later rereleased by Farewell and Anomie. And they covered "party with me punker".
Catweazle also had a quite nice cd... can' t find it anymore... argh.
Hands down: buying every shirt they offered kept you from buying all the records.
Honestly, I never understood why so many people were such big Seein' Red-Fans. To me, they always were just boring. The only release I actually own is the split 7" w/ 400 Years, that I bought because of the latter - but on this split 400 years are no better: their song is a horrible and embarassing version of the Talking Heads' "burning down the house" - it's even worse than the Tom Jones-Version, it's ruining every thing the song is about. I think I listened to the Seein Red once.
Back when we started trading tapes, you sent me one or two tapes with a lot of Seein' Red stuff. I still feel bad about nevet getting through it, but more than two or three songs are just way too much. You know, there are few songs I would listen to with my CD-Player set to "repeat"... I just don't know what makes me feel that bad: is it that Seein Red are that nice guys or is because it's your tape?
And by the way: There's a certain distro that still has a copy of the Intifada-Compilation. It has a killer artwork :-)
Hahahaha.. good point, but honestly I also bought all records by them until 1997/ 1998. Then came the turning point in the life of a spoiled suburban rich kid. But that' s a different story...
To satisfy you: I bought some nice jazz cd reissues with the money I got after selling a huge pile of my shirts.
Saw seein red once (w/ 400 years/torches to Rome/palatka/Los crudos) decent live....was never way into them though......and their politics were never my thing...
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