Ever heard of the Andrew Thomas Company and Medium mail order? Most of you might have seen some of their famous stuff like “straight edge means I have no friends”, “vegan” with an Atari or even Sega rip off writing, "drug free stormtrooper" or the famous straight edge windbreakers. It’ s a pity that there was no distribution for their stuff in Europe. We were doing centralized buying back then; no Paypal, no credit cards just the horrible exchange rate at our local bank and then calling them in the middle of the night asking about our money.
This particular shirt was more a mocking than dead serious (it was the heydays of “firestorming”) and just fit perfectly into the roster of their other motives. The back print is oh so “Syracuse” or “Erie”.
No informations on the world wide web. That' s a pity.
nicht zu vergessen das "now you will embrace the straightedge" shirt mit dem stormtrooper ...
meins hat mittlerweile leider irreparable braune flecken (xian ausgeliehen und wohl von seiner mutter als unterlage zum haare blondieren benutzt hahaha).
Xians Shirtstories - meist in Verbindung mit Muttern? hahahahaha - sind eh die besten!
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