Saturday, January 07, 2017

CROSSED OUT - "hanged man" shirt

I keep them coming: a very old Crossed Out shirt. I am not sure if this is a bootleg or not. I have never seen it anywhere.
It's still a pitty that with the demise of Slap A Ham records their discography is unavailable - the CD and LP is more expensive than their regular releases. In days in which every mediocre nineties hardcore band gets repackaged rereleases or huge discography packages it seems to be odd.

Here is an entertaining interview concerning power violence:

An Oral History of Power Violence

"Crossed Out are the dark lords of powerviolence."

I think none of those guys did not continue to play in bands later on.


Flo said...

"I think none of those guys did not continue to play in bands later on."

Well, Eric Wood, who jumped in on bass for the last shows and recordings, played in quite a few bands after CROSSED OUT.

Hirsinger Youth said...

Das zählt nicht, und wo finde ich Deine Mailadresse?