To complete the No Escape discography and me being too lazy to rip vinyl records I choose the path which is easiest: the CD rerelease of the split 7" (both No Escape songs are on the album), rebuilding compilation and two songs from the forever compilation. I never understood why they didn't include the Born Against, Citizens Arrest and Rorschach songs. Some months ago I read a blog posting stating that this CD version is more ugly than the LP version - kids, it isn't: there are two vinyl versions. One looks exactly like the CD version and the green 12" version looks awful (picture proof will follow) - but I do not have any pressing infos (maybe someone can help out).
The metal guitar part starting around 1:25 in "Silence" is so great, after being played four times it is used as theme modified afterwards. I love such gimmicks.
I am quite sure that these are the best Turning Point songs (before becoming the beautiful Godspeed and Shadow Season) and maybe the same goes for "Drown" by Burn. Who says Lost and Found is sloppy: titled "Drawn" here.
Important side note: No Escape's "Silence" was released together with the Big Boys cover on one of those Lost And Found nonsense split 7" records - in this case with Bonesaw. The Burn songs are on a split 7" with Prison and the Gorilla Biscuits can be found on one of the compilation CDs by L&F. I suppose they have licenced all the Temperance stuff around that time (same goes for Overkill Records).
V/A - Rebuilding Compilation (CD) Temperance Records #TEMP#3 1992
1. Turning Point - Broken
2. Burn - Drawn
3. Gorilla Biscuits - Biscuit Power
4. No Escape - Silence
5. Turning Point - Insecurity
6. Burn - Decay
7. Turning Point - Thursday
8. Turning Point - Behind This Wall
9. Turning Point - Anxiety Asking
10. No Escape - Framework
11. No Escape - Guilty
12. No Escape - No
[MP3, 320kb, password: antithesis, mirror 1, mirror 2]
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